Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Porter Family

I just LOVE this family, they are so sweet and James is just the cutest thing I have ever seen! It was a beautiful day outside and we took advantage! Enjoy your sneak peek guys!

The Skiles Family

I am so glad the Skiles family had me out to their house to do their pictures! I love Rhonda and her boys like my own family and Greg and his girls are such a wonderful addition to make a genuinely beautiful family inside and out! You see that smile Rhonda is wearing? THAT is happiness people, and I am so glad she found it in Greg! I love you guys, enjoy your sneak peek!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Addie, Senior 2010, Sisterly Love :D

Addie is one of the most beautiful people I have ever met! I had so much fun doing her senior pictures. Congrats Addie, Senior 2010!

Neely & Dwayne- Married!

I am so glad that Neely let me be a part of her special day. I had a blast with her and her beautiful bridesmaids all day! Her and Dwayne are really perfect for each other and I wish them nothing but happiness in the future, here's your sneak peek guys! I can't wait until Monday when you get to see them all! :D